

The big kitty has this thing about the cupboard my check wall is on. The door is open at the moment, and she’s staring up in the top of the cupboard, she wants to jump up there.


The little kitty is a bit bored with it all, and wondering how much longer until she gets more food. Both my cats are beautiful. I am thankful and blessed. ;)


Visit to the vet.

Yesterday we went to the vet that doesn’t make appointments. The kitties were not really thrilled about all this.

To begin with, the other half went down to the room where the cat carriers are kept and put them back together while I kept them busy in the kitchen with lactose free kitty milk. I heard him walking down the hallway and I was like “You’re not bringing the carriers are you?” but of course, he did, and the minute Big Kitty saw them, she bolted out of the room looking for somewhere to hide. He dropped both the carriers onto the couch and ran after her, and caught her just before she ran under the bed. Lucky, because we’d not have got her out from behind there, and it’s a waterbed so no chance of moving it.

The little kitty had clearly forgotten what cat carriers meant and she had found a big blowfly which she was trying to catch and dead, so she paid no attention until she was scooped up and put into the carrier, at which point she began a pitiful kitty cry, which I am sure was more about missing out on deading the blowfly than anything else.

All the way to the vets, both of them put on the let me out of here cry. When we got to the vet, there was this absolutely gorgeous greyhound. Both kitties spotted it, and big kitty hid at the back of her carrier while little kitty crawled under her towel in an attempt to hide.

We had a bit of a wait cos of the no appointments thing and then in to see the vet. He was very nice but the big kitty did not think so, this was the first time she’d ever hissed and spat at a vet. She got her injection and quickly back into the carrier for her. He did manage to check her teeth and he thought they were in really great condition for a cat of her age.

Little kittys turn and she didn’t really mind too much, she let him have a good look at her, got her injection without any hassles, and pranced about the table a bit looking all cute while the vet told her how pretty her coat was (that is so true, she is absolutely gorgeously fluffy) and in what good condition she was and that her teeth were also excellent and that she’s not really fat yet (HA I told you she wasn’t fat, the other half!) but she could be going that way and it would be good to try and encourage her to exercise more.

Then the kitties went home, at which point the older kitty was given some kitty milk and special cat food which I bought while at the vets and for the first time ever I saw her just *inhale*food like the little kitty, she really liked that food. Other than that she was pretty mad at us for the rest of the day. She holds a grudge about having to go to the vet for at least a month. The little kitty was back to her nutty self as soon as she spotted the blowfly which she then deaded. :)

I’ve run into a few too many spiders over the last 24 hours, it’s time to get out the deadly spider spray and do some serious spraying. That’s going to be my chore for this afternoon..



Woken from a lovely dream about being at the snow with my other half by black helicopters with big guns flying low over the house. It’s a great way to start the day. I now have a shitty other half who is having the day off and the only chore on his plate today is to sort out the Austar. See Austar have brought in new channel packages, and we can finally FUCK OFF the sport which we never watch, and save money – in fact by the time we have finished this packaging sort out, we’ll have *more* channels for *less* money. Including all the movie channels, so now it’s certain I’ll never get shiznit done.

However nothing is really that simple is it? We’re billed by Telstra for the Austar, and they don’t do these packages, so now we have to convert back to Austar, which is causing the other half to walk around growling. Yes, literally growling. Like a dog.

Then again, nothing is as bad as you expect it will be, because when he rang Austar he found they have a special line set up for conversions as so many people are doing it, and like I suggested to him before he called and while he was baring his teeth and doing the Elvis snarl, they will have a special process for it as they kind of do it for a living and it won’t be as hard as he thinks.

I tried to read all the blogs but he kept walking in here and growling and interrupting my comment leaving, so I’ve given it up for now.

Other jobs on todays agenda include – going to the special animal feed store to get Kitty Litter. They often have chickens there too, I like to look at them. Like Google, chickens are your friends. But they have every kind of feed for animals, like horses, and cows and stuff. They also sell plants and they have Bonsai. It’s a cool store and you drive to the side of it and park your car there so they can load what you buy into your car, yet it is right in the middle of town, just one street back from the main street.

Then later today we have to take the kitties to the vet. The first one I called do not make appointments. I’m not so sure about that, it might take a really long time. Kind of like going to a public hospital. However, they do seem to have 5 vets and seeing as this seems to be like an afternoon surgery I’m sure most of them will be there, so I am hopeful this will be quick, but I am doubting this whole process and thinking of calling another vet entirely. What to do?

My older cat does not love the cat carrier, or going to the vet. So much so I thought about trying to get them a home visit, but realistically that’s not going to work out too well, I think. I’m concerned about her because she’s lost a fair bit of weight. OTOH, she does have a younger kitty keeping her active, she gets a lot more exercise now than she ever has before, and she is a very picky eater. She’s never really been a fat cat. However the younger kitty literally inhales her food like some space alien with a vacuum for a mouth, and she’s getting a bit rotund. The other half takes delight in calling her fat. That’s just nasty! Then again, the younger kitty takes delight in waiting until he’s fallen asleep on his side and then curling up behind his legs so he can’t turn over without waking up, so maybe that’s her revenge. ;)

The little kitty fetches – she loves it when you bring receipts home from shopping and then make them into little balls of paper and throw them for her. She brings them back and waits for you to throw it again. I just think she needs to do more of that. ;)

I spent a little bit of time trying to choose one good experience I had as a zoo volunteer to post about to kind of make up for yesterdays downer type post. However, I have a list of millions to try and pick through. There seriously are that many. I’m still trying to choose, I’ll get back to you.

dreams, kitties

Kitties Fighting!


They both want to sleep on The Other Half’s suitcase. At the moment it seems Big Kitty has won the prize, but it’s only a matter of time before Grumpy turns up to have another shot at the title of Queen Kitty.. :)

How do you like The Other Half’s idea of putting fluro tape around the bag so he would be able to tell which one is his? It worked really well but let’s hope no other travellers spotted it otherwise they’ll all be doing it which will defeat the whole point.. ;)

kitties, The Other Half, travel

Tired today..

So it won’t be a long blog. My Avon lady has moved in virtually next door, doesn’t that rock? I love Avon, it’s great stuff. But most of all I love having a catalog to pick out stuff from. This is something I would not have done in the city for the most part, but here I am like a catalog addict. Ezibuy is another one I get regularly though I haven’t bought anything from there yet. I also joined the doubleday book club, which is great for all the books I want.

Sephyroth is blogging Rock Star Supernova and people love what he’s writing, so make sure to check it out.


Here’s a pic of Grumpy, my younger cat. She’s over a year old now and she thinks she rules the house. She’s probably not wrong.. :) She’s my baby even when she’s doing stuff that annoys me, like trying to get into the window blinds at 5am, or furring up my clothes. She loves to fur things up. We have an older cat too and she is sooky ever since we moved up here. She has an obsession with the window sill you see Grumpy on in this pic and the minute you open the bathroom door she runs in to get up there. I’m trying to take a non-sooky picture of her and will post that here when I manage it ;) But for now, here’s Grumpy!

kitties, shopping