
I have never been a fan of regular lettuce. I prefer baby spinach or rocket. One day at the garden centre I found Mizuna which is apparently another kind of lettuce but I’d never heard of it, so I thought I would give it a try..

On the 11th of November this is little kitty sniffing them to see whether they are worth chomping on. She has a thing for grass and things that look like grass but she chose not to chew at these. They’d been in the ground for maybe a week.
I fed some to the chickens over the following days, picking from the centre of the plant as I hoped they would bush outwards a bit. This apparently encouraged them to flower. Here they are on the 22nd November –
And here they are just 3 days later on the 25th –
I had no idea they would flower. They taste great, and have the advantage of growing quickly and also tall away from the ground so they are easy to keep dirt free and rinse off when it is time to eat them.

According to Wikipedia they are resistant to cold and grown in winter in Japan, and you can eat them hot or cold. I’ll keep an eye out for them at the garden place and if I see more I’ll be buying them to plant in some of the large pots I have which are plantless. I think Mizuna would do great in a pot as well as in the garden and if it is close to the back door I can just pop out and cut some for salad.

The chooks absolutely love it – probably it is their second favourite green thing to eat after Kale.

Chickens, country life, garden

Garden Notes 1

I discovered a mutant cauliflower. Well all of my cauliflowers have pretty much been weird but this one certainly takes the cake so far. I’m not growing them for me – they are for the chooks and the chooks don’t seem to mind the oddness, or the caterpillars which have (irritatingly) overtaken these plants.


We had a couple of super hot days and then quite a bit of rain. The plants seem to be loving it, I can see real differences between photos I took on Friday and photos I took today.

Chickens, country life, garden


We did some re-shaping of the garden


I put in some beans, celery, pumpkin and mizuna as well as cat grass, cat nip and tansy.

These plants have not enjoyed great weather, they have been rained on extensively and have suffered a bit as a result. Here is hoping for some better weather so they can go forth and prosper like the rest of the garden.


Which as you can see, is doing quite well.


Except we are having a little caterpillar issue.


The chickens enjoy eating them!

Chickens, country life, garden

Chicken Free Ranging Update

The ground finally dried out enough to raise the chicken free ranging tent again. I went off to the gym and the other half got creative while I was gone..


It took ages to tempt the girls out. Greens which usually incite a chicken riot were gazed at from the doorway where they felt safe. Finally the other half helped them out with the scary rake from behind trick. Once they were out, they started digging and scratching.


This was the first free range outing for Nugget (AKA Rosecomb) and she had no clue what to do. She doesn’t know how to scratch like a regular chicken or how to create a hole in the ground to dustbathe in. After watching the other girls for a bit, she tried dustbathing without any dust, just on the grass.


Light Sussex (still nameless) is the best at creating a hole to dustbathe in. She made several and eventually Nugget found her way into one of them. As well as one of the game hens. Lucky Light Sussex makes a big hole in the ground, big enough for everyone to enjoy. :)


They got to stay out there for several hours while I weeded the garden. Getting them back into the coop was just as difficult as getting them out of it in the first place. They wanted to stay out but a thunderstorm was on the way, so the other half herded them back into the coop.

Chickens, country life

Spring Garden Update

I have a few updates – lets start with the garden..

It once looked like this.

Garden One

It now looks like this.


A lot of weeds had sprung up, so I have been slowly weeding and mulching. This is the half of the garden I have completed. I’ve put down sawdust formerly from the chook laying boxes, and also Zeolite and rice husks formerly from the run and coop.


A slightly closer view – you can see how much the seedlings have grown. What you can’t see is that my zucchini plant has flowers and a baby zucchini on it! I spotted that while out there today but couldn’t get good photos.


Strawberry flowers!


The chooks have been enjoying greens from the garden for a few months now. When they see me get in there, they go nuts bagerk-ing and took took-ing, hoping that greens will come to them as a surprise.


As you can see, there is still some work to do.

Unfortunately the weather has now turned to shyte, so it may not be done as soon as I would like.

Yes, that is a storage box full of weeds which I removed from the garden. :)

There is also a chook free ranging tent. That will be the next update.

Chickens, country life, garden

A New Bed.

Today we created a new garden bed! It was an absolutely gorgeous day out there today..

We began with this –


We put in the side piece, which is 60cm long.


While the other half dug out the trench, I started turning the dirt over. Not very far below the surface, maybe two shovels deep, we struck clay. So we decided to lay in some sand and chook poop we’d had fermenting since the rains after we changed from sand to Zeolite & rice husks for the chook pen flooring. Boy, did it stink. That is how you know it is the good stuff. ;)


And this is how it ended.


Those are hibiscus which I’ve had for a few years now in pots and they have been waiting to be planted in the ground, so they are happy now. I’ve still got a couple more to plant, we need to get some fresh dirt in for the other end which was grass.

There are also some pansys which I bought the other day. I planted some poppys in the other garden bed today because they needed to get planted quick, they were in very tiny seedling trays.


Big kitty spent some time wandering outside today sniffing about. She is an indoor kitty and to go outside we keep right by her so she feels safe and comfortable, and so no native animals meet their makers. We have a bit of cat traffic in our yard who leave interesting smells plus some mice. But then a large cockatoo flew over making a heck of a noise and she bolted back to the safety of inside.

garden, kitties

Retail & Garden Therapy

Earlier today I was rear-ended for a second time, only on this occasion the rear-ender had tailgated me for 20km, at speeds between 80km/hr and 100km/hr. She was so close to the back of my car at these speeds that, had I needed to brake suddenly, someone would have been seriously injured. She also spent some time gesturing inappropriately and swearing at me. When I had to stop at the roundabout, she tapped me..

After I got out of the car, she claimed she had not hit me. Her car at that time was resting on my bumper, still touching it, so her claim was DENIED.

After I took care of my appointment that I was on my way to, I went to the police station to report this woman for tailgating. She had already been on the phone to the police person I spoke to and given them a completely different and untrue story.

Piffle to bad drivers and liars, I say! I have been driving for 22 years now and this week is the first & second time I have ever had an accident, neither of them being my fault.

After that, I felt the need to go to the garden nursery and spend some $$ on plants, as retail therapy. I got a pea, a zucchini, a well developed strawberry and some punnets of flower seedlings. And now, I will post some pictures of my garden.

First, an overview of the garden bed.


A newly planted Zucchini, Beetroot seedlings and in the back corner Chard.


Cauliflower seedlings, rainbow silverbeet seedlings, the tall thing down a bit further is silverbeet which was saved from the old garden with strawberries in front of that.


A closer view of the caulis and rainbow silverbeets


Strawberries, Kale and newly planted peas.


The base of the lemon tree surrounded by lettuce seedlings. Something is eating the lettuce seedlings so I have started putting protective plastic bottles made into covers around them. Flat leaf parsley off to the side.


The flat leaf parsley with a couple of the larger silverbeets saved from the old garden.


More silverbeet – the chickens adore it.


The Alaska Nasturtium in the corner. There is some sawdust covering some chicken poop which is composting there.


The next garden bed to be developed – we took the ugly fence covering down today and killed all the spiders and other creatures living behind it. I’m thinking we can run a bed from where the gate is right down to the back corner of the yard. You can also see the channel we dug out across the lawn for drainage.


A closer view of the drain. With my white shovel!


While I was working on the garden the chookys were attacking their brussel sprouts that I gave them, happily tooting and making chooky sounds.

Chickens, garden