Man Spends Money!

Ouch! Previous to leaving for Thailand, the other half spent $790 on clothes, three pairs of shoes and a suitcase. Yes, he got a lot of clothes, and yes he needed them, and yes he tried them on in the shop which was sooo much fun for me because it is so rare to talk him into doing that.

However it seems the shopping has not stopped there – and surprisingly, he has not bought electronics or souvenirs or something like that. On the first day of the tour they took the group to a tailor, and he spent $450 on custom made SUITS!

I am completely unable to express my extreme shock and amazement at this news. He HATES those kinds of clothes! And he seemed very thrilled with his purchases, and talked about them at length. And then he went on to say he bought some clothes for ME, and he had been looking at a pair of earrings for me which were $950. Luckily he chose not to buy them, because I would be absolutely terrified to wear them.. but he did buy earrings, he did just not say how much they were..

Was there subliminal messages on the plane? Has someone slipped him a shopping mickey? Are there drugs in Thailand that make your man suddenly change his personality into someone who WANTS to wear a suit?

And most important of all, will he return home normal, or am I going to need to get a couple of extra jobs to support future sudden clothing shopping sprees?

One piece of bad news – he has no internet. :( So I won’t see any pics till he gets home.

shopping, The Other Half, travel

This message may come to you as a surprise..

What the?


I got home today and found something odd had happened. What can this possibly mean? It must have some kind of deeper meaning, right? The clock fell off the wall and got broken. Should I be freaked out, or what?

What I will be doing is shopping for a new one.. our store stocks Howard Miller clocks and they are insanely gorgeous. I really want this one –


Mind you it is $2,500 or so, and it is a floor clock, and it chimes, we actually have this one at work and it sounds sooo classy!

But realistically any of these will do. How to choose? The prices actually aren’t too bad, so one of these may come to me as a surprise and a much more pleasant one than finding my current clock on the floor in pieces! ;(

Home, shopping

Tired today..

So it won’t be a long blog. My Avon lady has moved in virtually next door, doesn’t that rock? I love Avon, it’s great stuff. But most of all I love having a catalog to pick out stuff from. This is something I would not have done in the city for the most part, but here I am like a catalog addict. Ezibuy is another one I get regularly though I haven’t bought anything from there yet. I also joined the doubleday book club, which is great for all the books I want.

Sephyroth is blogging Rock Star Supernova and people love what he’s writing, so make sure to check it out.


Here’s a pic of Grumpy, my younger cat. She’s over a year old now and she thinks she rules the house. She’s probably not wrong.. :) She’s my baby even when she’s doing stuff that annoys me, like trying to get into the window blinds at 5am, or furring up my clothes. She loves to fur things up. We have an older cat too and she is sooky ever since we moved up here. She has an obsession with the window sill you see Grumpy on in this pic and the minute you open the bathroom door she runs in to get up there. I’m trying to take a non-sooky picture of her and will post that here when I manage it ;) But for now, here’s Grumpy!

kitties, shopping