Soundtracks Up Close..

This last couple of weeks I’ve been on a bit of an upside down schedule. I’ve been doing a lot of work and staying up later than usual. I’m typing this at 12:49am on Thursday morning and as I am typing it, I have these little headphones on.

Blueant Wireless Headset

This is the Blueant bluetooth wireless headset. I am completely wireless. The little transmitter is plugged into the home stereo amplifier and I am able to go pretty much anywhere in the house and still hear the sound. In fact you can also plug in a microphone and use it with Skype if you want to. I can put on a dvd, the radio, cds, music, tv, whatever I like. Mostly I watch.. err.. listen to tv. Right now it is Law and Order.

What I’ve learnt is there is a lot more to the sound of most shows than you usually pick up just listening to it through speakers. You can hear so much more with the headset.

This way I don’t miss any of the show – I can go to the kitchen and make a snack (or cookies!) – grab a glass of water – go to the bathroom – if I need to run back to the computer to do something I can, plus the other half isn’t kept awake with my “noisy” shows. Yep, by that he means The View. Cos he doesn’t like all those women talking over each other.

I recommend everyone gets a bluetooth headset thingy. :)


Ooh Is Sparkly!

A good friend of mine recently took me to a bead shop. The Other Half had actually banned me from going there because it had a lot of sparkly things. I found out that the place does lessons on how to make jewellery, so today I went in and made me a few pairs of earrings. Here’s one of them.

Pink and Purple Earrings

Making earrings is a lot easier than I would have ever expected. I spent a lovely afternoon chilling out and creating things. These are so pretty with the pink and purple cracked glass bead. I love them! The pinky bead right at the bottom of the earrings is a real freshwater pearl. :) I’m going back next week to learn to make necklaces. :)

Fashion, jewellery


So, last weekend we went for a little drive with some people who happened to own identical vehicles to ours. There were 18 XR-5’s on the cruise and it was a lot of fun. Here’s a pic of the cars arriving in a small town. :)

Car Cruise

You might imagine that keeping so many cars together was a challenge, and it was. Many times other vehicles unworthy of driving on the same road as an XR-5 let alone in the middle of a large pack of them got in the way. From time to time we had to stop and try to regroup.

Car Cruise
The most popular color seemed to be Orange. Which is unusual considering that particular color tends to cost about 3 grand extra than the other colors. You certainly can’t miss them!


Ford XR5 Turbo

Kayak Time

We finally picked up the kayak today. As such I am a little tired so I will just post a quick pic of it next to the car. Of course it is black and white because I’ve never put a color pic of the car here. ;) Click on the picture for a larger image.

The new Kayak

Tomorrow if I get a chance I will write about lessons learned from the first trip out. But we might be making our second trip out, so we’ll see. ;)

I will mention – it is more fun and even better than I expected. And we saw a huge stingray swim right under us.  I mean huge, it was bigger than me. We got a pic of it though the pic is a little dodgy you can clearly see the massive sting in the tail. I put an arrow to where the sting is.

stingray in the water

Up the top right hand corner of the pic you can see some of the body of the ray (not all of it, like I say it was huge) and near the white dot in the middle (which is an air bubble stuck on the lens from putting the camera in the water too quick but the thing was moving!) the blurry green section is some of the sand it is kicking up.

We’ll need to get the hang of using this camera – but someone was a little freaked out by the stingray. And for once it wasn’t me! ;) Some of the underwater pics are just plain odd to look at.


In Which I Panic

Today being the first sunny day since last Thursday, we decided to go snorkelling in our favourite place Honeymoon Bay.

I find when you’re going snorkelling it is easiest to put your wetsuit on before you even leave home. That way you don’t end up with sand in places sand does not belong. However on a warm day this can be a hot way to travel. Today by the time we got in the car even my knees were sweating.

The Navy happen to bomb the land adjacent to Honeymoon Bay from time to time and as such they can just up and close the entire place anytime they like. There is a sign on the way there that tells you whether the park is closed or not. And today, it was closed. :(

We decided to try another place in Jervis Bay that we had heard of. Unfortunately there is a bit of red algae near the shore at the moment, which made the water murky. It was scary for me. Plus the water was icy cold – the kind of cold that makes you gasp – the water is usually warm in Honeymoon Bay. The murkiness and the coldness made me freak out. It is clear to me that I still have a fear of sea water. I lasted about two minutes before I desperately wanted to get out of the water.

It was not a complete loss though – we got some pics with our new underwater camera. Which incidentally is bright pink in case one drops it. Why did we buy an underwater camera? We wanted something waterproof to take with us on the Kayak – which we hope to pick up tomorrow.  Here’s some of the fish we saw.


You can see it was pretty murky. The water in Honeymoon Bay is usually crystal clear other than the sand you kick up with your flippers.


The following image is a panorama which the camera is supposed to sew together – it didn’t seem to work so well but it was low on battery. Click for a larger view..


New South Wales, snorkelling

A Day Out.

As mentioned yesterday today we took the kayak we want to buy for a test drive. Unlike the one we rented previously, this one was easily controlled and went where we asked it to go – even when using the paddles instead of the pedals. We managed to do some circles – a complete 360 – twice. The pedals take a little getting used to and sure work the leg muscles. I expect we will be much fitter in a few months. ;)

For those of you thinking a kayak is a cheap thing that you can pick up for a couple of hundred bucks, think again. You won’t get much change from $3,000. We placed our order and also got some other bits and pieces from the shop. By mid-day we were picking up the roof racks and hopefully we will be able to get the kayak before the weekend. It is a thing of beauty I might add.

It was an absolutely stunning day here – more like summer than autumn – and when we finished the kayaking we thought we would go snorkelling. Check out the stunning place that we like to snorkel in – Honeymoon Bay in Jervis Bay. Today I managed to get the camera out of the car afterwards. You can click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

Honeymoon Bay in Jervis BayHoneymoon Bay in Jervis Bay.


A Paddle Boat

When I lived back in Adelaide, we were living within a short distance of West Lakes. I always used to love seeing the (manmade) water there. My dream at the time was to live in a house with a little pier and to have a paddle boat to paddle around the lakes with.

So a few years later, a completely different state, a completely new life that I did not anticipate, and I still want a paddle boat. Though not quite the same kind. I want me a Kayak. To be specific, a Hobie Mirage Outfitter.

This from the girl who never swam in the sea until a year ago for fear of sharks. This from the girl who went kayaking for the first time about a week ago and was utterly terrified by it because we couldn’t get the kayak to go where we wanted it to go. It wasn’t a Hobie, it was a cheap crappy double kayak that we hired and the darn thing was like a shopping trolley that refused to go straight.

Did you know you can get kayaks with pedals as well as “paddles”? Seriously there is some amazing kayak technology going on from Hobie.

Tomorrow we test drive the one we intend to buy, and hopefully will have it by the weekend. w00t! Of course I’ll post pics. :)

There is much going on in my life at present, much of which cannot be blogged about. Community volunteer work,  the other half on holidays and actually smiling for a change, an exercise bike, roast chickens, kitties being cute, blog design, and filing cabinets. There is much I want to tell you and I hope to have some time to do that soon!

About Snoskred, kayak

Wow, what a dress!

I don’t normally watch the red carpet shows but I happened to flick past and saw this amazing dress on Helen Mirren.

Helen Mirren Oscar Dress

Oddly I just watched her movie The Queen last night as it aired on Showtime for the first time. I think she looked ten times better than anyone else on the Red Carpet, and incidentally who the heck were most of those people? I had never heard of most of them before, ever!

Keri Russell Oscars

Nice to see Keri Russell there, one of my favourites since Felicity all those years ago. I think the hair up might not have been the right way to go – her hair is stunning.

celebrities, Fashion