This last couple of weeks I’ve been on a bit of an upside down schedule. I’ve been doing a lot of work and staying up later than usual. I’m typing this at 12:49am on Thursday morning and as I am typing it, I have these little headphones on.
This is the Blueant bluetooth wireless headset. I am completely wireless. The little transmitter is plugged into the home stereo amplifier and I am able to go pretty much anywhere in the house and still hear the sound. In fact you can also plug in a microphone and use it with Skype if you want to. I can put on a dvd, the radio, cds, music, tv, whatever I like. Mostly I watch.. err.. listen to tv. Right now it is Law and Order.
What I’ve learnt is there is a lot more to the sound of most shows than you usually pick up just listening to it through speakers. You can hear so much more with the headset.
This way I don’t miss any of the show – I can go to the kitchen and make a snack (or cookies!) – grab a glass of water – go to the bathroom – if I need to run back to the computer to do something I can, plus the other half isn’t kept awake with my “noisy” shows. Yep, by that he means The View. Cos he doesn’t like all those women talking over each other.
I recommend everyone gets a bluetooth headset thingy. :)