Did you forget how to get home?

That’s what I say to the other half when his coffee is still sitting here an hour after I made it so it would be ready when he got home from work.

“Oh, we went over to the club for a drink, and now I’m just sitting here waiting for the attendant to bring me my $200”

Apparently he hit the 10 credits per bet button and won the feature..

Oh well, maybe a trip to JB Hifi is on the cards for tomorrow then! ;) But there’s dinner waiting for me down the street and I’m hungry!

The Other Half

I keep forgetting to put a title.. ;)

And now Sephy has completed the 10 things.. ;)

So what’s my plan for the day? Well so far it don’t look too windy, so I might run down the street and grab the spider spray so I can dead them all. Of course now I’ve said that by the time I get back it’ll be gale force winds. If I can’t spray the spiders, I might just scroll down until the Jetphotos sidebar stuff is on my screen, and then be hypnotised by it while playing nice music. I spent at least 30 minutes watching it yesterday. The pictures change, and it is just fascinating.. Seriously, scroll down and have a look at it. :)

Blog Friends

No excuses now..

I’m Not Craig got in first with the 10 things.. :) WHO’s NEXT? :) Come on, I’ll make a special post just for you.. ;)

And with that, it’s off to bed for me. We have family visiting this weekend so I have had to try and get back onto the normal time schedule, and it’s exhausting me. I’m ready for bed at 10pm. How do people get up at a reasonable hour every day? I’m such a better vampire than a day person.

Blog Friends

Are we on the same page?

I don’t usually blog much about the Other Half, but I thought I would mention this little incident that occured. To make it easier lets call him OH.

First I need to explain a little about the water here. There’s sometimes something very wrong with it. In my bathroom the sink sometimes gets pink or yellow mould and sometimes both, which is scary. I rang the water people and they did not seem to know anything about this but speaking to people who live in this estate, they all have the same issue but it’s not until you ask them and let them know everyone else you’ve spoken to who lives around here also has the strange mould that they start to think it might be something unusual or maybe even bad. So I have just decided to avoid drinking it.

I caught OH filling up a container with tap water and I asked him what he was going to do with it.
OH – “Fill up the coffee machine”
Me – “Excuse me? Are we on the same page here? We don’t use tap water in the coffee machine, you know that”
OH – “I don’t really think it matters”
Me – {head explosion}

For the most part, he’s pretty good though. It’s just little slip ups like this which get him into trouble.. :)

The Other Half


Rock star : Supernova the band is coming to Australia! In March next year. And the ticketing website which is selling the tickets is currently not working so I can’t even find out how much it is or even put a link here to it. grrr. Apparently Toby Rand and Juke Kartel will be the support act which is fantastic news. I definately want to go. ;)

Today we went shopping, we did not go to see the movie I wanted to see because my other half is a pain in the ass about movies, he’s a right snob about what he will and won’t go to see. But he’s happy to watch those silly anime cartoons for hours on end! I’ll probably end up going to see it on my own :(

Then we cooked dinner for my parents, a yummy Jamie Oliver recipe. Except I just use normal mushrooms, remove the thyme and add bacon. I also use half a cup of wine and half a cup of water otherwise the wine can be a little bit much. I’ve tried a few of his recipes and they always work out well.

I have an admission to make to you all. I am somewhat of a germophobe. Not to the point where it’s keeping me from going anywhere, but at times I think I can see there from here.

The two biggest issues I have are food preparation and door handles. I don’t like touching door handles and (this is hard to say) if it is somewhere really germy I sometimes open them with my jacket sleeve instead of my hand. Especially if I’ve just washed them in a public bathroom.

With food prep I absolutely hate tea towels and and refuse to have them in my kitchen at all – paper towel is your friend, I find. I don’t like using sponges and try to avoid them where I can and certainly would never use one to wipe a bench top. I also tend to wash my hands a lot in between handling different foods. It’s probably excessive but we all have to find a way to live with our little insanities, right?

But to a germophobe, my mother’s kitchen is an absolute nightmare. Tea towels! Sponges used all over the place! Dishes not perfectly clean even though she has a brilliant dishwasher, she throws the dishes in there with chunks of food still on them (ugh! I can’t watch her do this, I have to walk away) and no matter how good a dishwasher is there’s only so much it can do.

When I openly show how this situation makes me feel, it makes her mad. She’s like “Well, you managed to grow up in a house where the kitchen was this way” – what she is forgetting is that often when she had “cleaned” the kitchen I would sneak in there when she wasn’t looking and do it again to my level of clean-ness. And as soon as I moved out of home, I was insanely strict about the kitchen must be clean before *and* after you cook in it.

Today she had to go to the dentist and she wasn’t feeling well, when we dropped in before we went shopping she was having a nap. This was a great excuse for me to come back here with all the shopping, cut everything up on my clean chopping boards and do things my way, and then put it all into little tupperware containers, and take it over there mostly done. What a great idea, I never thought of it before but I will be doing that again.

Here’s an example of an argument we always have – about mushrooms.

Mum sees me rinsing the mushrooms off in the sink

Mum – “Why do you need to rinse them, they’ve been washed already at the supermarket”

Me – “You see all these little black spots of dirt? You know what that is? They grow these things in manure, you know, that’s what that is, and I really would rather not eat shit if I can help it”

Mum – “I don’t know why you have to be so picky about everything”

Me – “I’m not picky about everything. I’m picky about this. “

Mum – “I never did this when you were growing up. You ate them like that all the time”

Or the other night –

My other half was about to cut up onions for hamburgers –
Me – “Stop, that knife is filthy!”

Mum – “I just used it to cut the skin off the onion, it’s only onion on there”

Me – “No it’s not, it is something dried on from the dishwasher”

(the other half walks to the sink and starts cleaning the knife)

Mum – “You’re being ridiculous”

Me – “I’m not being ridiculous, I just want to have things cut up with a clean knife, that’s not too much to ask”

(the other half returns and it is still there)

Me – “That’s not clean, it’s still there!”

(the other half starts scraping it off with a knife”

Mum – “, That knife is perfectly clean”

Dad – “I don’t think it is, he’s trying to scrape it clean with another knife and it’s still not coming off”

Mum – “Just use another one”

The other half got it clean and washed it again but in the meantime she’s handed him another filthy one! I quietly say to him – use the one you just cleaned.

She thinks I’m too fussy about it but then again, I have to live with *her* insanities so she should live with mine! What’s her insanity?

When shopping and you make a purchase, you must take that purchase out to the car before entering another shop. And of course she’s parked in the furthest park from the supermarket, so you have to walk a kilometre anytime you buy something.

I do not complain about this. I just recognise that she has an issue with that, and deal with it. It’s annoying, don’t get me wrong! I mean the bag has the receipt in it, and even if the other shop does not sell that product, there’s no talking her out of this. It just is.

cooking, family, germophobe

Sometimes that next blog button..

leads you down a path you didn’t want to go down.. or a path you really love!

I clicked that button so many times one day and once I ended up on this blog where there were dead people! That shocked me greatly and it was the first time I hit the flag blog button.

Tonight I found a blog with the same layout as mine but a different header background, something I will investigate doing myself soon, I should just be able to put a pic back there. From there, I went here after Sue wrote a comment and from there I clicked on the (not work safe, contains images which include male nudity, don’t blame me if you click on this link!) Mutiny on the Bounty blog.

Ladies, I ask you, what can be better than hot men and beautiful pictures of greek landscapes including beaches. Guys will hate that Mutiny On The Bounty blog but women will adore it. ;)

I would really love to find blogs written by drag queens that show some of the make up work they do. I’m gonna start looking soon.. ;)

Blog Friends

Kitties Fighting!


They both want to sleep on The Other Half’s suitcase. At the moment it seems Big Kitty has won the prize, but it’s only a matter of time before Grumpy turns up to have another shot at the title of Queen Kitty.. :)

How do you like The Other Half’s idea of putting fluro tape around the bag so he would be able to tell which one is his? It worked really well but let’s hope no other travellers spotted it otherwise they’ll all be doing it which will defeat the whole point.. ;)

kitties, The Other Half, travel

Lukas Rossi





Lukas Rossi won Rockstar:Supernova.

I was really not happy when I heard he won because I think he’d do better on his own, but now having listened to some of the music I am starting to feel better about it.

In other news, The Other Half has apparently been drinking a lot of beer in Thailand as it is the only thing he can get in a bottle and sealed. He doesn’t normally drink beer, and he sounded heartily hung over when I spoke to him. He’s ready to come home, he said.. ;) He gets back Sunday Morning at 6am. Good thing he made us a new washer, cos suddenly ours seems to be not well. :( We may not make it to the arrival of the new one, we might have to walk washing down the street.

I’m going to go and watch the commentary track on A Knight’s Tale – I started watching it but never got to finish seeing it yet.

music, The Other Half

Man Spends Money!

Ouch! Previous to leaving for Thailand, the other half spent $790 on clothes, three pairs of shoes and a suitcase. Yes, he got a lot of clothes, and yes he needed them, and yes he tried them on in the shop which was sooo much fun for me because it is so rare to talk him into doing that.

However it seems the shopping has not stopped there – and surprisingly, he has not bought electronics or souvenirs or something like that. On the first day of the tour they took the group to a tailor, and he spent $450 on custom made SUITS!

I am completely unable to express my extreme shock and amazement at this news. He HATES those kinds of clothes! And he seemed very thrilled with his purchases, and talked about them at length. And then he went on to say he bought some clothes for ME, and he had been looking at a pair of earrings for me which were $950. Luckily he chose not to buy them, because I would be absolutely terrified to wear them.. but he did buy earrings, he did just not say how much they were..

Was there subliminal messages on the plane? Has someone slipped him a shopping mickey? Are there drugs in Thailand that make your man suddenly change his personality into someone who WANTS to wear a suit?

And most important of all, will he return home normal, or am I going to need to get a couple of extra jobs to support future sudden clothing shopping sprees?

One piece of bad news – he has no internet. :( So I won’t see any pics till he gets home.

shopping, The Other Half, travel