As expected..

I seem to have me a few new visitors today. You know, rather than believe what you’ve been told about me, there’s enough of me here on this blog now for you to make up your own mind. If you want to, that is. There’s archives, scroll down in the sidebar, you’ll find them.

You can start right at the beginning and work your way forwards. See if I’m who they are telling you I am, or if I am something entirely different. But if you’re going to read check your paranoia and your ego – leave it at the door. It’s not very likely that I’m talking about you.

I’ll be back a little later on today with a new post for ya’all and this is hopefully the last time that shizznit will intrude here. I just wanted to say the above.. ;) Thanks for the emails of support, everyone, I really appreciate it. :)

Have a look at this incredible new blog I found on the blogs of note todayAntarctica. Wow, it’s beautiful..

Angry Snoskred, Gossip, scambaiting

Some men are small..

in stature, and they spend their lives trying to become bigger than they are. Take Tom Cruise for example. He’s a short man. He’s married two women, both who are taller than him. The latest one crouches slightly in their wedding photo(s) to make them look like they’re around the same height. That is, if he didn’t have her legs shortened, or his lengthened! But it must have been really hard for her to remember to stay short, and clearly she could not wear heels.


Some men are just small on the inside. I know a man who would like to control people. He would like to control their opinions, their thoughts, what they write. Sort of like a small big brother. He came here to my blog, and spent a substantial amount of time (for someone with so much to do) reading through my posts. I’m flattered. Thanks for taking an interest in me. It’s real nice to have you visit. Come back soon, ya’all! But wait.. maybe not.

I received a message from that person questioning certain things that were said on this blog. The message went along the lines of ‘Does this refer to me or any of my friends, I’m sure it doesn’t’ – that’s not a direct quote. Of course you can’t appreciate the sarcasm dripping from the words like I can.

He’s since dropped back by here twice, to see if I’ve written anything about it. And you know, because it’s my blog, I think I will. ;) Though it is tempting to just ignore him completely, as insignificant to me as he has become until he makes a blip on my radar by sending me this extremely inappropriate message, trying to push my buttons, looking for a reaction.

He might even think he got what he wants when he sees this post. Actually no, you didn’t. This is me showing you, this is my blog, and I’ll say whatever I want here, and screw you. Though not literally, I’m not that kind of desperate.

So he’s looked through everything I’ve written for *anything* that could possibly be referring to him in an offensive way. You should keep looking, I’m sure there’s something to find somewhere. What do you intend to do when you find it? Tell everyone how bad I’ve been? And what’s my crime? I’m speaking my opinions without naming names on my own blog. It’s the nicer way to do it. I could name names, but that would be crossing a line for me. And I really don’t think you want me to do it anyway, right?

This is my own blog, there’s no such thing as blog abuse here – this is my space to say what I want to say. You don’t like that, do you? You don’t have the control over this environment, and this is where I’m spending a lot of time these days. And maybe it’s dawning on you, finally at last, that you no longer have any control over *me*. And I could care less about you.

If you *think* the shoe fits and those comments are about you, go ahead and put the shoe on. Wear it. Interpretation is in the mind of the reader, just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If you don’t like what you read here, nobody is forcing you to read what I write. See that little red cross up in the top corner of the page? Click on that, mate. It’ll ease your paranoia. Or seek counselling, or something. And maybe the rest of us should invest in tin foil – I don’t think there is enough tin foil in the country where you live to cope with your self-obsessed paranoia.. they’ll soon run out of tin foil if you keep putting this shit forward!

Thanks for reading, and dropping by. Feel free to quit dropping by anytime you like. We wouldn’t want you to take any of my comments as being directed at or about you now, would we?

Maybe the message sender could use this as a whole new conspiracy theory as the previous ones are worn and tired now.. wait a minute, let me think. Snoskred started this blog so that if people chose to kick her off of forums – as has happened to her in the past – they would be able to read her side of things?

Well, on that one, there is no conspiracy theory. You would be 100% right. I created this blog so that the people I know could always find me if they wanted to. So that no forum could silence me in the future like they did in the past, by banning me and kicking me out. So that there is one place where *I* have all the control.

Dear Fellow Bloggers – does this mean I now have a blog stalker? I suppose this is something every blogger has to deal with at some point, but could I ask for your help? Pray to your chosen Deity (if you have one) that my next blog stalker will be younger, cuter, and not nearly as self obsessed, controlling, backstabbing or power hungry?

Pray that my next blog stalker will in fact be either Leonardo DiCaprio or Christian Slater or even Morten Harket or Lukas Rossi? It’s not impossible, people do google themselves, and if enough of you pray, anything can happen. Pray that this current blog stalker will make a huge big deal out of what I’ve written here, as it will encourage much traffic to visit and read my blog?

After all, people know where to find me. I’ve found out today that I’m number one on google when you search for Snoskred.. YAY!

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I got stuff to do.. :)

{sarcasm ON} I have to go back to plotting against this individual {sarcasm OFF} Where on earth do I find the hours in the day to do all the stuff I do as well as {sarcasm ON} taking over the world, shagging all the google people so they’ll rank me higher, finding spokespeople and puppets to speak my words for me, and generally spreading disaffection {sarcasm OFF}, commenting on NaBloPoMo blogs, taking photos, playing pool, housework, gardening, attending meat raffles, making movie reviews, listening to music, painting, all the things I actually do.. ;)

Angry Snoskred, people talking about you, scambaiting


I’m not really feeling the most inspired today. We went shopping, cleaned out the fridge – a job that makes me quite antagonistic and snarky, and soon I’m going to go watch a dvd with the other half. It’s my pick today, I pick out 5 movies I’d like to see from the shelf, and then he chooses one for us to watch.

Tomorrow I am going to have a major blog commenting day, the other half will be at work so I’m setting myself a target of 100 blogs to say something on, and that’s actually type something, too. I usually comment on as many as I can but I ignore the livejournals as I don’t have a login and it won’t let you comment, and I also steer well clear of myspace.

I have the new Rockstar:Supernova CD, I really like it.

General Chit-chat, stuff

The current state of my painting..

I’ve added the lighter green stripes – it gives an interesting visual illusion, and makes it seem like I painted the darker green over the top. I am now thinking of adding one gold stripe to the side of each of these stripes, but not sure exactly of the logistics of this. I’ll figure it out.


I’ve got this nice pic for you too. These are the flowers that yelled at me to buy them when I was at Bunnings. I really like them and there’s hot pink ones as well as other pink shades and purples..


Aussies, you MUST read this post of Sephy’s and play the chaser clip he’s got there, it is hilarious and incredibly true.. ;)

About Snoskred, Snoskred Art

Millions of things..

Jihanna has blogged the 10 things today. So has Northern_Girl. All ye Nablopomo people looking for something new to blog, consider yourself tagged. Write 10 things about you on your next blog, and post in the comments here to let me know so I can link back to you. If you don’t comment I won’t know, cos I’m not omnipresent or psychic, though I try to be the first.. hehe ;)

Today I woke up with Midnight Oil’s Short Memory in my head – be warned it gets in there and it won’t get out. I am currently hearing Hotel California – a live version, by the Eagles, which I love.

A strange phenomenon is occuring to us lately. We moved here just over 10 months ago, and lately we’ve been missing stuff we are sure we had packed (my paintbrushes, the sequins) and now we seem to be asking ourselves odd questions about what we did with things we used to own. Yesterday I asked the other half what did we do with the Fridge? He asked me what happened to all our plastic chairs.

I thought my paintbrushes must have got lost, or we left them behind. Yesterday I opened a drawer, and was extremely shocked to see them in there. I cried! Seriously, I was so happy to see them, and now you have confirmation that I am psycho, for who would cry over finding some paintbrushes? But it was just complete happiness at finding something I was sure I had lost. I think maybe U2 wrote a song about that once. After I was done crying, I took a photo of them.. here they are, the once missing paintbrushes..


The two white fan brushes are the ones I really wanted back, they were from ceramics and I got so used to using them I was worried I wouldn’t be able to paint without them. And the mug they are in, I made that at ceramics, it was one of my almost disasters. You get this paint with stuff that explodes in the kiln. I put too much of the stuff that explodes on.. :)

Anna Falactic asked me yesterday about my painting – here’s my latest. It’s going to have gold over the top, when I’m done. It’s for my Mum, this is her favourite color. I can’t decide whether I should use stamps to put on the gold, or just paint huge gold stripes on it. I don’t want to mess it up, this is a huge canvas. I really had a ball painting this though. I’m going to do a second coat soon and then get started on a hot pink and a royal purple version, these are for me.. ;) You can see the pink paint there.


Beaches! Beaches! Beaches! – Yesterday was pretty bad weather here, extremely windy. When we went for a drive the Ocean seemed to be all riled up, so I got a pic for you.


My sister is driving down for a visit over the weekend, but I will make sure to get online once a day and blog something. Yeah I have a couple of things all written and ready to go.. :) rofl!

And now, to comment on some blogs, then paint, then comment, then paint.. ;) that’s the “agenda” for today. Thanks for all your lovely comments guys!

About Snoskred, beaches, Snoskred Art

Welcome back to the Vampire.. :)

I slept for what seemed like forever, because I was really tired and I felt like I was getting the flu, sore throat, nasty headache. I think it was something like 16 hours. But hopefully this will mean I am back on a somewhat normal schedule. I’ve been sleeping days and staying up nights for over a week now. If I am really honest with myself, I am a night person.

So if you’re wondering why you haven’t seen me on your blog and why I haven’t commented as I usually do, it’s because I was dreaming of being in this big bike race down a road that wasn’t finished yet with all the kids I hated from school.

While I was asleep the other half went to work and got the plans for their new kitchen sorted out, then went to the pub and won a meat tray and $40 on the pokies. Seeing as this meat tray made its way here now that we have a bbq, I have pictures for you! ;)


So on todays agenda (Yay I finally have one!) is a nice drive – possibly to check the post office box and see if there’s more fake scammer checks for my check wall. It’s pretty windy so I am not sure a beach is in my future, we might go to Warrawong and maybe visit JB Hifi instead, and spend the found $40 on dvd’s – I have a shopping list! Undoubtedly I will leave it at home. I want to get a plate set for outside which is not ceramic. I like plastic myself, but melamine is an option.. ;) Then back here to cook meat and comment on 50 zillion blogs ;) Be good ya’all.

Aussie Culture, scambaiting, Who Is Snoskred

Violence – almost

In order to tell you about this I have to go back in time. Back to May 2004, when we purchased a brand new car. And she’s gorgeous. Seriously. For the first few months, it was difficult to leave her in a carpark. I was always terrified someone would dent it. If someone just *looked* at my car the wrong way I wanted to rip off their head and shit down their neck. I was always giving people the evil eye.

By the start of 2005, I’d begun to relax about it a bit. The other half reversed it into things twice and we got the bumper bar replaced under insurance. In February of 2005 we drove the car on a big across Australia trip, from Adelaide to Canberra to Batemans Bay to Sydney to Tamworth to Dubbo to Cobar and back home. While in Sydney, we parked the car in a carpark for *15* minutes. When we came back, there was this HUGE dent in the passenger (my) door.

It was a shitty feeling. It still is a shitty feeling, because fixing it would cost a shitload for such a cosmetic thing and we haven’t done it and so every time I get in the car, I am faced with it. If I could find the person who did it, I do not know what I would do, but I know it wouldn’t be anything nice.

So today we went to get a gas bottle for the bbq. We parked the car and when I got out there was a huge flash of lightning so I got straight back in the car. I have a fear of lightning at petrol (gas for the American readers) stations. Yes, crazy I know. I was sitting there waiting and this car pulls up next to us. The chick in the front seat opens her door and bangs it into my car. I look at her, mouth open, look of shock on my face. The driver of the car sees me. The woman sees me. The woman proceeds to bang her door into my car a *second* time. I am horrified! I can’t believe she would do such a thing.

I get out of my car and walk around to look if she made a dent – by pure luck, she had not. She’s got out of the car by now and she says to me “We didn’t hit your car” I said “Yes, you did hit it, with your door, and you did it twice!” She waves a hand at me, sort of like talk to the hand, and walks off. I just stood there, absolutely fuming. If she had made a dent, I would probably have chased her and yelled at her, a lot. I may have even punched her. I’m not a violent person but SHOW SOME RESPECT FOR OTHERS PROPERTY, BIATCH!

I have never actually punched someone in anger. Unless you count pummelling my sister when we were growing up, but that was done with love. ;) So I don’t think it counts. But I seem to be getting more and more angry when I see stuff like this happen. Some people would say it’s just a car, don’t worry about it, it’s not worth it, but damn, I kinda think it is.

The other half saw the whole thing from inside the petrol station and he really thought we were going to get into a fight. I’m surprised though, normally he would have stormed out there and let her have a piece of his mind. I think maybe with couples if one of us is angry the other one tends to be calm.

Angry Snoskred, cars, Who Is Snoskred

Various stuff.

1. For anyone wanting to give reading as many of the NaBloPoMo blogs list a go, I have created a handy open office file for you. It contains all the blogs as links, so you can just click on them and if you’re using Firefox it’ll open them in tabs. ;)

2. If you don’t have open office, what are you thinking? Click here to get it. You need this to survive, it’s free and it isn’t by Microsoft. It’s brilliant – it’s basically microsoft office at no charge.

3. Other free stuff on the net that I could not live without –

Editpad – like notepad but 100 times better with tabs and also it minimises to the tool tray or whatever you call that little thing.

Skype is a VOIP phone type thing which allows you to chat, send files, etc to friends, and in some countries it lets you make free outgoing calls. It also allows anyone in the world to call 1800 numbers in the US for free. ;)

Also, free photo editing software GIMP which is useful too.

4. Did you know that I really appreciate your comments that you make here on the blog? I have been a bit too busy lately to reply to them but from now on I’ll try harder, so please let me know what you think about what I’m saying.

Later on today I’ll be putting up a list of some of the blogs I really liked while flicking through NaBloPoMo stuff.. ;) till then I’m gonna have coffee, play some pool, and surf round the blogs.

About Snoskred, stuff

Politics and truth..

Yeah I know, I said I wouldn’t do it. But this one isn’t so much about politics as a fact of life.

Kim Beazely is currently a shrinking man. According to a news article, he has lost 16kgs since the start of 2006. A lot of people seem to think losing weight will win him the next election. I have some bad news for those people..

Every week at the high school I went to, they had a speaker turn up and address the entire year. That was a fair bunch of people, as I’ve mentioned before, I went to a school with over 500 people in my year level alone. So these were held in the library with people squeezing into every space imaginable.

One day in year 10, a speaker from Flinders University gave a lecture entitled “Why fat people are dirty people”. By that time, I was not really that fat anymore. I had been a size 16 when I started that school in year 8, and those uniforms were literally swimming on me by now, I couldn’t wear them anymore..

I’d got down to a size 12 and realistically I was no bigger than anyone else there in the room, but I was still one of the “fat kids” and when I saw eyes begin to turn in my direction as this cruel man went on and on about fat people being dirty, I knew it would not matter if I was just skin and bones, those kids would always see me as one of the fat kids.

I mean, let us not even get into the fact that the school allowed this lecture to take place, because they should not have. That anyone should have been allowed to stand up there and say that to any group of kids is just wrong. It’s bad enough for a kid with a bit of extra weight in school. The teasing, the bullying, the nastiness, none of it is nice but it *is*. It exists. You can’t stop it. At least, not without automatic weapons, or bamboo canes applied to any kid saying something nasty, and that’s kind of taking it too far the other way.

But after this lecture it got plenty worse, especially for the largest kid in the year, a boy named Andrew who despite his outer shell was an incredible artist. He did some amazing work but nobody ever saw that, and the treatment he got caused him to become an extremely angry individual. Any teasing directed his way would generally be met by swearing and then later, punching.

He spent a lot of time in detention, with me and the deputy principal who died. I wish I could have called him my friend, but he was so busy building walls to stop people from getting close enough to him that they could hurt him, there was no chance of breaking through. And I understood that, because I’d had to do that myself at times.

Fat kids know that the outer shell really isn’t that important, because we know on the inside there’s plenty we have to offer. But in an environment where everyone sees only the outer shell, and makes judgements based only on that, you are never given that opportunity.

So when I left that school at the end of year 11, I was down to a size 10. I didn’t really like myself at that size at all. I’ll be honest with you. When I looked in the mirror all I saw was these enormous cheekbones that models would probably have killed for, but I did not like them. I thought I looked like a skeleton, and quite ill.

But moving to a new school, things changed entirely for me. I was accepted into the “in crowd”, got the lead in the year 12 play, and I was driving by this time so I didn’t have my own car but I had pretty much the use of my parents car, and it was an adult campus so it had a much more mature attitude towards things. I did subjects I really enjoyed instead of what the school forced you into (photography, media studies, catering and cooking, drama, stuff like that) and it was a great year.

None of those kids ever knew that at my old school I was considered one of the fat kids. But when the outer shell looked acceptable to them, I had a much better chance of them seeing what was on the inside, and that had not changed at all – I was still me. I was that same me at the previous school. It’s just nobody gave me a chance there.

I hate to say it, but it’s the truth – Kim Beazely is going to find the Australian public just the same. He can lose all the weight he wants. He can be stick thin, but it will do him no good, and it will not win him any elections. He will *always* be the fat kid, except to those of us who were fat when we went to school, who can see the inner shell. And statistically there’s probably not that many of us out there – there will be more and more as the years go on, but most schools only had a few back when I went to school.

So this does not bode too well for the ALP, because I don’t believe the Australian public will ever elect Kim Beazely, regardless of what weight he is. The damage is already done. I sincerely believe that supporters of the ALP have to realise they are never going to be elected with Kim Beazely at the helm. *and* I know it’s not fair, you know it’s not fair, but it *IS* – and that’s the bottom line. But..

Who do they have, who is stick thin? Who also knows plenty about the environment, a major concern for increasingly more Australians? Who may be bald, but the public don’t hold that against you like they hold once being overweight against you.

Just for God’s sake, don’t let him dance..

About Snoskred, growing up, politics, Who Is Snoskred

A favourite thing..


Hey, if you have a blog and you’re reading this, take a pic of one of your favourite things and put it on your blog.

I’ve been cleaning all day and now am off to get ready to drive to Sydney, back about midnight tonight but I probably won’t be coming online to blog ;) So be good, ya’all.

Snoskred hearts