Blah Humbug

Nobody around me is in the Christmas Spirit, at all. Those guys work in retail. By the time Christmas gets here they are exhausted, and they have to work a 13 hour day when they go back to work for the sales.

My Mother is the worst. No christmas tree. No lights. No presents. It’ll just be like any ordinary day, except we will be eating prawns and lobster.

Speaking of which, it is very strange that I actually get fed less seafood at their house now living near the coast than I did when they lived in Tamworth, a 3 hour drive from the sea.

Yesterday we went to the Meat Raffle, and my Mother won twice with the same *number* – out of over 9,000 numbers. How freaky is that? We got us a nice chicken pack and a ham, so roast chicken for dinner today. YAY! Then my ticket won a pack so we got a roast beef and a beef steaks and sausages pack. I cooked the other half sausages, eggs and bacon for dinner.

It’s been raining here for the last 2 days. This is a good thing. When you live in the country you never say anything bad about rain. In fact you enjoy it, you go out and get wet. Yesterday there were people playing golf in a major downpour while we were at the sports club. That’s called nuts, in my opinion. Lucky there was no thunder around.

I was just checking through my emails and a scammer lad sent me this –


Well I don’t know about going to Hail.. :) But I like hail too, almost as much as rain, as long as the car is in the garage..

Annoyed Snoskred, Aussie Culture, Christmas, scambaiting

Now what?

I find myself in an odd position that I have not been in for quite a long time.

I don’t have anyone to hate right now.

This is a strange place to be, because I’ve had someone(s) to hate most of the time, pretty much since high school. And hating is actually a lot of fun, kind of. You get to make up nice little daydream fantasies of getting your own back, of sorting them out, of them being shown what they have done is wrong, and in one memorable case (my current partners ex wife) of the myriad of ways you could dead them. Personally. I’m not the kind of person who likes to send other people to do my dirty work, truly! If there’s blood to be spilt, lets get it on my hands.

But eventually, you build a bridge, and you walk over it, and then you’re left with an empty space. What daydreams can we fill it with? It’s easier to hate than it is to have pleasant little daydreams. I know this now. And once you have built that bridge and walked over it, you can’t go back. You can’t be thinking of daydream fantasies of people you once hated but now just don’t trust at all and would rather have nothing to do with them. It’s not possible.

So I find myself standing on the other side of the bridge with no hate in my heart. Instead there is sadness, regret, and a wish that things could have worked out differently – yet at the same time, a happiness that people were shown to be who they really were before any more time was invested and wasted, and a true gladness that I’m no longer blinded – I can see these people for who they really are, and what I can see is pure ugly to the core.

I’ve put this in the category of Angry Snoskred, but I am actually not angry – I am the opposite of Angry. I don’t have a category for Happy Snoskred yet! I have now created one.

About Snoskred, Angry Snoskred, Happy Snoskred, life lessons

I wonder..

Is it not known all over the world that smuggling drugs into or out of particular countries in Asia will get you a death penalty?

Because it struck me while I was watching a show on the crime channel here about some poor woman who “accidentally” swallowed a few packets of heroin and then was surprised when she was arrested and narrowly escaped the death penalty somehow, that maybe I should actually be feeling sorry for these people like I feel sorry for the victims of scams?

The reason people fall for scams is a lack of education, I believe. I don’t think anyone could swallow packets of heroin without knowing that this isn’t a good idea, but maybe they just weren’t educated, maybe they didn’t know any better, maybe they didn’t check the situation out before they acted. Or not. I have known drug smuggling would result in the death penalty since Bangkok Hilton was on here, many years ago, with Nicole Kidman. Maybe that wasn’t played in other countries around the world.

I’ve been watching a fair bit of the crime channel lately. They have episodes of Cops on there, which I enjoy, and they now have a new show about the cops in New Zealand, which is actually hilarious – those Kiwi Police have an incredible sense of humour.

drugs, life lessons, what not to do

200th Post

Houston, we have wetsuits.

You have to understand, the deepest I have ever been in sea water is about calf deep. This is because I saw JAWS at an early age. I am absolutely terrified. I can’t even explain it to you. But I want to give this a try.

And my wetsuit is not full length, so jellyfish could get me :(


and so be it, I guess.. :)

(jellyfish is doing a little dance in my head) (lets hope those are the only ones I see today)

About Snoskred, potential disaster, snorkelling

Its not how big it is..

Really, it’s not. It’s the *quality* that is important. Which is why when we last bought camera equipment, we threw money (about $7,000) to the photo people and bought this.


Yes, it’s a crappy pic, I took it with my camera phone. Well, how can you take a photo of the camera with the camera? Doh! It’s a Canon d10 camera body (quite old now, they’re onto the d30 now I think) but the more important part is the L series lens. I can’t explain why it is important, it just *is*. It enables me to take some incredible pics. It is the heaviest thing I’ve ever carried. You need to go into training to take this to the zoo for a day, I’m telling you. It’s not easy to carry it around.

However, it is *worth* carrying it around because you get some incredible pics. I’ve got like 10,000 of them on this computer. I can’t even dig through them to pick out the great ones, there’s too many and I have chores to do.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret. When I’m taking my photos of the day, I hadn’t been using this lens. It was just too heavy to get started with. I wanted to get into the habit of taking them often, and plenty of them, and I knew the bigger lens would get in the way of that. So I’ve been using a much smaller one. And getting very nice results, even if I do say so myself.

All that changed on the 2nd of December, when I finally decided it was time. I’ve been using the big lens since then. You can see all my pics here.

Now I hear you guys all going “But why did you spend so much money?” – We’d had 5 digital cameras over the years, none of them worth less than $2,000, and none of them comparing even slightly with this one. We finally had learnt the lesson – If you are going to do something, do it properly. Don’t mess about. Invest wisely. It’s worth it. Even if you have to put it on the credit card. Life is short. Spend it while you can.

life lessons, photography

A photo a day for 30 days..

results in this..

We also now have set up a page for one photo a week, if you think you could manage that head on over there and check it out, sign up, we’ll send you an invite to the blog.

It’s a little easier than a photo a day. With either project, the whole idea is really to get you using your camera more often, and learning from other photographers on ways you can improve your pics, and most of all to have fun with it!

I have a very nice sense of accomplishment to go with my 30 photos. Just think, you could have that too! :) NICE!

About Snoskred, photography


Rabbitch posted about this yesterday, and now I’m laughing myself hysterical as well.. :)

As we were walking up the street to my parents for dinner tonight, we saw the little stray cat that likes to visit the windows of my house and upset the kitties and hide in the storm water drains when anyone approaches her, in the drain, with three little kittens. Four cute kitty faces looking up at us. I don’t think the kitty belongs to anyone, we think she might be feral but nobody knows for sure, and I’m torn between just letting them be, and reporting them to the RSPCA so the kittens can find good homes and hopefully the cat can too. Thoughts? One bad rain storm and they could all get drowned. :( But it is summer. But weather is unpredictable. I should leave some tuna outside on a plate for them. ;)

I really don’t like Rosie O’Donnell on the View, at all. I find her self-centred. If you watch it you’ll see, she often drags the conversation around to herself. Star Jones used to do the same thing, I can’t stand that. However, I did see Rosie on the Actor’s Studio and actually quite liked her. I don’t know whether it was because the show was supposed to be about her, for a change, or whether she was just less annoying.

I don’t watch much free to air television these days. In fact I do not even know how to make my tv show me the free to air channels, and it’s been that way since we moved in here. So I often miss out on stuff which people are seeing and raving about. Tonight Desperate Housewives began on W, one of the pay tv channels. It was the first episode, and surprisingly I really enjoyed it. I think I might buy the box set.. we’ll see how cheap it is.

We’ve been going to the beach a bit lately. There’s lots of good photos there. And when you have the below not very far from your doorstep, you really have no excuse..


animals, celebrities, General Chit-chat, photography, photos

Chinese Appointment

Every week, I seem to be in charge of making the appointment for Saturday Night Chinese. This could be because it is the only telephone number I have memorised here. Back in Adelaide I used to have a lot of numbers in my head, but here I need only this one. It’s at this restaurant which has a beautiful view over the Shoalhaven river, and it’s about a 15km drive from our house, down a road past lots of cows that I say hi to, when it’s daylight saving. When it’s not, it’s dark, and you can’t even tell the cows are out there. :(

It’s at an RSL club that we belong to, they have a bar, pokies, and the restaurant. I never seem to win on the pokies much anymore except last week I accidentally bet a lot more than I thought I was betting, and won $20 in one shot.

We’ve been to the *other* club three times this week, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. They’ve been having these meat raffles with hams and turkeys and roast porks to win. So far we have two hams, one roast pork, no turkey, and two meat trays. On Sunday we went to the other club, won a ham and a pork, then went to the Chinese club for dinner because we missed it on Saturday and won a meat tray there too.

Soon it’s the special Christmas raffle day at the *other* club, they are raffling off a whole bunch of things, every time you buy a meat raffle ticket or a coffee you get another ticket. I have the winning one here. :) shh don’t tell anyone..

But on Wednesday night, we did not win a single meat tray. It was depressing. At the end of the raffle you write your name and member number on the back and it goes into a draw for a voucher, and I won that instead! w00t $20 ;)

Well I off to get ready for the Chinese.. ;)

About Snoskred, Aussie Culture, family

So.. like.. sorry..

I’ve not been around too much this last week. I have been reading blogs but haven’t been feeling like commenting once I gave myself permission to have a week off from commenting which has extended into 9 days now.. ;) I’m going to be back to normal real soon but I’ve just been so behind with my scam-baiting and I wanted to get that all sorted out after taking so long away from it for nablopomo and stuff. We have a rental inspection next week, which has meant extra chores, too.. :(

So bear with me, don’t disown me just because I need a little me time.. ;)

General Chit-chat

Combat strategies

So first let’s remember that I’m not a doctor or a shrink or anything like that. But this is what I have learnt during my fight with the dark side. Because I’m in Australia, I know about stuff that is available here. If you are in another country and you can point people to the right places to get help, please leave info in the comments.

Here are my steps that I have always taken.

I See My Doctor.

Diabetics need insulin – and some depressed people need anti-depressants. You need to see a doctor who will decide if medication is what you require, that’s the very first step. You can fight this without the drugs, but it will be a lot harder. And nobody would tell a diabetic – oh don’t worry, you don’t really need insulin, just push yourself a bit harder, you’ll survive.

The chemicals in your brain are out of whack, and no amount of pushing, hoping, or begging is going to fix that. It is ok to take the drugs your doctor prescribes.

We Create A Mental Health Plan

While you are seeing your doctor, mention that you would like to create a mental health plan. Doing this gives you the ability to have 10 free sessions with a psychologist. I have done this a few times and it has made all the difference for me.

I Seek Help

I usually see the psychologist I have been referred to via the mental health plan. But you do have other options.

There’s a lot of help available out there, but you might not know where to look. That’s ok.

If you’re in Australia, Lifeline does know where to look. It’s ok to call them and ask for help. In fact it is ok to call them and talk, that is what they are there for.

Check out beyondblue. They even have forums where you can connect with other people and see that you are not alone.

If you are overseas, I don’t know where to send you but shoot me an email with your location and I’ll see what I can find. :)

What kind of help do you need? Well there’s plenty of options. Sometimes you just need to vent, to talk it out. I found it helpful to talk to someone. There’s free telephone counselling 24/7 with Lifeline, but they can also refer you to go and see someone face to face, either free or low cost. I personally find it is really useful to do that.

So now we’ve covered seeing a doctor, which is going to get you on the way out of that dark hole, we’ve talked about creating a mental health plan, and we’ve covered other possibilities as far as talking to someone. It is so useful to admit you are in the dark hole and talk about what it is like in there, and strategies to get yourself out of there.

But what next?

Now, you have to put in a little effort towards your own recovery. The two things above won’t magically fix it on their own. So what can you do? Lots of things, but here’s the stuff that worked for me.

Get out of the house.

Walk for 20 minutes a day. If you can’t do this daily, then walk for at least an hour a week but get yourself to a beautiful location to do it.

We used to go to the Botanic Gardens, which were right next to the zoo. One day when we were driving past we noticed that members get into the zoo for free. So when I found out membership was so cheap it was less than a can of coke a week, we became members, and we would go to the zoo for our walks, often spending an afternoon or a morning just wandering about.


One of the biggest problems with depression is that you want to curl up into a little ball and not look outward at all. This means you have plenty of time to focus on the negative thoughts and how you’re feeling. So instead of doing that, sign yourself up, make a commitment to some kind of volunteer activity. Make it something you want to do.

If you want to work with animals, why not look at wires or nana or the RSPCA? If you want to work with people, there’s a million options, check out this site.

I did many different types of volunteering. I painted houses, which was a lot of fun. I went through the Lifeline course and worked on the phones there, which really taught me a lot and it was something I had always wanted to do. I volunteered at the zoo, tour guiding and doing watches on the animals. I’m choosing between three different options right now but I have to find some kind of volunteer work to do here soon.

Make lists.

Lists of things you need to do, lists of things you want to do, lists of things as simple as daily chores. There is nothing more satisfying than crossing things OFF the list when you have done them.

There was a time when I could not get out of bed, so the one thing on my list was to manage that, every day. There were some days I just could not do it, and I had to give myself permission to be ok with that, too. So I worked out that it was a good idea to pick one day a week where I did not have to do it, where I allowed myself to stay in bed if I really wanted to. And I found, once I gave myself permission to do that, it was not really something I wanted to do – I found I wanted to get up and do things.

Paint. Write. Knit. Sew. Create.

Reward yourself for doing the stuff you don’t want to do by doing stuff you do want to do. I painted things. I did ceramics (not cheap but I loved it). I learnt to play the keyboard. I scam-baited. I still do these things now.

Listen to music.

I think this one is really important, and I know myself well enough now to note when I stop listening to music, it’s one warning sign that I’m headed for that black hole. It’s also a good idea to replace the negative thoughts in your head with song lyrics, I found.

Those Were My Combat Strategies

So that’s just a few of the things I did to drag myself out of that hole. They could work for you, if you’re down. Give them a try.. ;)

About Snoskred, depression, life lessons, moving forward