It has nearly been six months since Mum passed away and how much has happened in that time I would not even know where to begin telling you. But up front let me say Google is not letting me comment on some blogs – Debby yours is one of them. I’m keeping a good thought for you both.
One night we were starting to dream of – as President Bartlet would say – what’s next. The other half wanted a bit of land to camp on, so we spent a few evenings with one of us on the tablet and the other on the phone at bedtime, seeing what land was out there. If we found a block on the tablet we liked the look of but we didn’t know where it was, we’d google maps it on the phone.
We found this great and massive block out near Oberon and we loved it, we started to think about going to see it. In the blink of an eye that one was sold to other people.
I said maybe we can find a block a bit closer to home, so the looking became a nightly event. We did it together, until one night I did it on my own because the other half fell asleep early. I must not have ticked the right box, because somehow it suddenly was showing me houses with land. And the first house to pop up was in the street we used to live in. Being the nosey beyotch I am, I took a look.. and I started thinking that this house could really work for us.
It would allow us to separate out the business from home, it had a giant shed for the other half to mess around with cars in, and it backed onto the basin, so we would be able to kayak again right from our house like we used to when we lived at the basin before.
When the other half woke up the next morning I said, I have something you should look at. And he did. And he said yeah this ticks all my boxes. And I said yeah it ticks all my boxes. And he said we better not go and look at it, until the next day he changed his mind – we better go and look at it so we can decide it is a no and move on. He said it has wooden floors so it will be creaky. We’ll end up hating it when we see it.
And so we went. Not one creak. When we went under the house we soon saw why – brick pillars everywhere. A myriad of pillars. More pillars than I’ve ever seen in one place at one time. The other half said this has been massively overengineered, which is how I would have built it. I, of course, loved it before we even walked in the door, he was the one who needed convincing. But when I looked around I saw the attention to detail the people who built it put in, and was even more charmed by it.
As we walked away I said.. that’s put the cat among the pigeons. And it certainly did. And I’m not even going to bore you with all the details because it has been nearly 3 months of them. Suffice it to say, we get the keys this week to a house I would never have even dreamed of owning. It is bittersweet, because without Dad and then Mum passing we would never have gone down this road.
After Mum passed she came to me in a dream, sparkling like a twilight vampire in her beautifully painted coffin that we chose for her specially – and I got to put her in it myself in real life, a memory I will forever cherish – she was telling me that the afterlife is enormously chaotic but everyone is there plus all the animals and she started naming all these pets many of whom I did not recognise because they belonged to other family members – I found that out later on speaking to aunts and uncles etc.
And she said to me – and I quote – “live the best life you can while you are here, set up the future generations so they can do the same, and when it is time we will come and get you”.
Part one is about to become reality. Part 2 is a work in progress. I hope part 3 won’t be for a long while, but it is good to know they’ll be there waiting. :)
I hope you are all well. I’d love to say I’ll be back blogging but I’m not sure where I’ll find the time, setting up the new house and setting up the new studio is going to be a lot. So I’ll say that I’ll pop in when I can. I am sometimes getting time to read blogs but most of the time my comments don’t go through so I kinda gave up on making them. :/