A JB Hifi store has opened up less than half an hours drive from this house! So many DVD’s, so little time. I bought 5 today and most were $12.98. YAY! Plus, I got Elizabeth, a DVD I have been looking to get for a while now just nowhere stocks it and Pump Up The Volume which I am very glad to own on DVD but it didn’t seem to have any extras, sadly. I also got Memoirs of a Geisha, The Green Mile, and Goodfellas – yes TT I bought it because you recommended it.

People reading this – if you could choose one movie for me to watch, what would it be? Leave a note in the comments..

We spent the day driving around looking at shops and sights and stuff, then my Uncle cooked us dinner. I really adore him but that man uses too many hot spices in his cooking. I feel this may come back to me as a surprise tomorrow.

Speaking of things coming to one as a surprise, in the back of my parents Voyager the music is a lot louder than anywhere else in the car. Last night I got stuck back there with Abba, which on some songs is absolutely no problem however the songs I don’t know I don’t like very much. Today I took the little car mp3 player with about 24 hours worth of the other half’s and my favourite music, and my Mum got stuck in the back with Nine Inch Nail’s Closer track. I think the lyrics may have come as a surprise, especially the “I want to fsck you like an animal” bit.. :)

Sephy, your latest played track listing hasn’t changed in a few days IIRC – are you listening to enough music right now?

Tomorrow we’re driving down the coast about 150kms or so.. and probably dropping in to the beach with the roos.. but I got to get some sleep I’m just exhausted.

country life, movies

Back in the country..

and going back to the city reminds me of all the reasons why I could never live there again. The traffic, the noise, the smells, the krispy kremes.. ;) I tell you, once you move to the country you will never want to go back. It’s scary out there. It’s rained all the way from Sydney to here, which is over 150kms and this is great because we do need the rain.

I keep having plane nightmares. This is not an unusual thing for me, I have always had them. But the last couple have been right out there as far as what happened. The one I had last night I was apparently a plane crash investigator and when we got to the scene we ended up snorkelling (??yeah I agree, what the??) and there were all these weird fish. I blame Meva for that one, at least the snorkelling bit. ;)

But the one that really freaked me out when I woke up from it at 3:30am in the morning a couple of nights ago, it was this airport that was like a posh hotel lobby, and they brought in a coffin which was supposed to be flying on a plane but when the baggage handlers picked it up it was too light so they opened it and there was just someone’s head inside (I blame a book I was reading the other day where someone got decapitated for that one) so they closed it back up and pushed it off to be loaded on the plane and it just exploded like a bomb.

In the meantime I had gone off and got on a plane, and it was like two pictures next to each other – what was happening in the lobby and what was happening on the plane. There were no pilots on my plane and an off duty pilot told someone how to get the plane to take off but that they had to reduce power afterwards. He went back to his seat and fell asleep. When he woke up he looked at the time and the little map and saw the plane hadn’t gone very far, and he realised the engines were too loud so he raced to the cockpit to find nobody there and the engines starting to make strange sounds. He reduced the power right away but then the engines blew up, igniting the fuel tanks.

It was just like a soft, hot wind and the sound the engines made when they exploded was very soothing, and then cut back to me explaining to people on the ground that the people in the air would have only felt a hot wind and they would have been feeling very happy after hearing the sound the engines made when they exploded and then they would not have known anything more. I think that bit has to do with Lockerbie – many of the people were alive the whole time they were falling. Some even survived the landing.

But really I can’t explain my dreams. I do like to write them down because I often forget them easily. So you may find me doing that from time to time here. Don’t hold their strangeness against me! ;)

country life, dreams

As much as I love cows..

there comes a point at which you have to wonder, do they love us back? How many sour milks does it take to turn a once great relationship to thanks but no, I’ll take a bottle of water instead?

So I’m at that point now. I’ve bought one too many 600ml flavoured milk drinks that have turned out to be no good. As much as I love drinking it, from now on the only milk I’m drinking is milk in my coffee, or flavoured milk I make myself.


While on the subject of drinks, I have a coffee machine which if you went out to buy a new one today it would be at least $1000 or more. It’s worth every cent when you love your coffee. This machine is great – you press one button and it grinds the coffee, makes the coffee into the little round ground up coffee nugget, pours the water through the ground up coffee nugget and then dumps the ground up coffee nugget into a little bin at the side of the machine. Then you press another button and it gets the steam ready to froth the milk. That bit we do manually but you can get attachments to the machine to do it for you as well, depends how lazy you are.

We’ve had the machine for almost two years now, since Christmas 04. I would hate to think how many coffees it has actually made but not one day has gone by where we have not made one each. This machine has paid for itself roughly 6 times since we bought it, in coffees we have not had to buy.

coffee, country life, cows

The Jack Daniels Shrine

I had a blog all written but then firefox deaded and all my words went away :( I’ll try and recreate it later. In the meantime – take a look at the Jack Daniels Shrine. ;)


The candles inside the red glasses at the front we got from haven and space. They are day of the week candles and the other half got very upset when he came home and found out I had lit all of them at once – “What are you doing! You can only light one of these each day!” while he extinguished 6 of them. I said I wanted to take a nice photo and he forgave me but then I said you’ll have to light those ones again so I can take the pic. ;) As to why it is the Jack Daniels Shrine, I’m not sure but the bottles in the pic have something to do with it ;)

The other day I posted a couple of pics and asked ya’all to guess what they were. It’s a water feature. The glass ball has been cracked somehow on the inside, and it has LED lights which reflect where all the cracks are. I’m not too good at explaining this but here’s a pic.



Crickets = good. Crack = bad.

It seems to be summer again. It was 35 degrees C here today and for the first time this year I wore shorts and flippy shoes yay! The other half and I had the day off so we went to Shellharbour (over 50kms) to go shopping. We got us some nice dvd’s including a new issue of Top Gun with commentary track. I am looking forward to watching that. ;)

They have a Starbucks there and I had a new frappucino thing called Pumpkin Spice, it was amazingly nice. Wow, that rhymes. We also left our car with the car washing people and while we wandered round the shopping centre it got cleaned w00t that is wicked, definately going to do that again.

On the way back we stopped at this spot of beach near Gerringong and the sand was truly golden and warm and beautiful. I took off my flippy shoes and we went for a walk on it.

The music was great today, plenty of Nirvana and Metallica and Lukas and Toby, much singing along was done. I’m going to take some of the rest of the day off, maybe even all of it, even though I have a lot of baiting work to do. I’m here alone tomorrow and Sunday so I’ll work while the other half is at work.

We were looking for music dvd’s but didn’t really find what we were looking for. The music store was playing Marcia Hines new cd Discotheque and it was actually quite nice, I almost bought it but the other half grabbed it out of my hand and said he didn’t want to encourage her. Fair enough I guess.. :) That doesn’t mean I can’t buy it when he’s not there.. hehe

Oh back to the title of this post. The great thing about summer is the crickets. I love to go to sleep hearing that comforting chirp. Last year I had crickets outside my window but they haven’t come back yet ;( Hopefully soon. The bad thing about summer is people not wearing enough clothes. Because this is a holiday destination, you’ll see more ass crack at the local Mcdonalds in the carpark than you ever want to see in your lifetime.

As we were driving out of town today there was a fire in the middle of the road. Someone must have dropped a cigarette and it set the median nature strip on fire! ;( I’m always worried my Dad is going to set fire to things, and I wanted to buy these to stop him from doing it. I figure 72 of them is a pretty good deal, and if they’re everywhere there’s a good chance he’ll use them. But of course now they are sold out! ;(

country life, music

As requested


A better shot of the pool table.. :)

Yes, it is dirty, it has not been cleaned since arriving from the factory which is quite dusty. You’d think the other half would be obsessively polishing it by now, right? ;) No he wants to do a proper job of it and won’t touch it until he gets the correct cloth. You can see the green bar stools, the pink cue, and apologies for the lens shadow – it happens when you flash with a big one.. lens that is.. ;)


A bit more Toby Rand

A quick update on life in the Snoskred world –

1. I got some skype credit and I was in a bit of a mood thanks to a mod from a forum I hang out at. To put my happy face on I tried to call some Nigerian Scammers about 5am their time, but the inconsiderate bastards had their phones switched off! Now how can they wake up to me swearing at them? So I just emailed a few of them angrily instead.

2. I am feeling better mostly. But throat still painful. :(

3. I had ordered a pink pool cue to go with the pool table, they forgot to bring it yesterday. They delivered it today to the other half at work. This could present a problem – see 4.

4. My parents still do not know there is a pool table here. I sense Armageddon style implosions when they do find out. Especially from my Mother, who is against people having fun in general. ;) And who suffered several months in fact more likely years at the hands of my Dad who bought a pool table which he kept in the shed then decided he had to build on a room to the house to accommodate it, so he took down the shed at which point the pool table moved into the lounge room taking up a great deal of space while a swimming pool was put in and then a big extension to the house and for all this time she had this huge pool table in her way – she made a board of wood to go over the top of it and used it to fold laundry on, she used it as a buffet table, and finally when the room was almost finished, Dad decided to sell the pool table.

5. Yes, my Dad is completely loopy! Scientists have confirmed it.

6. I have now played some pool and I have to say, the table is gorgeous. It is stunningly beautiful. I really love it. More pictures on the way, once I get the good camera out today and the cover off the table. I don’t think the other half will speak to me from now on unless I am playing pool. ;) I think I can spare a little time from my scambaiting to do that and I really should spend more time away from the computer, right, guys, right? ;)

7. If my parents find out how much that table cost, you will be able to hear me screaming once my Mother gets her hands on me from wherever in the world you are reading this. The only solution to this is to lie. However the other half and I better agree on the lie before we tell it otherwise things won’t work.

And then I forgot the Toby! Here is his original from Rock Star : Supernova. How can you not love a cute blond Aussie singing?

About Snoskred, Home, music

No pool table. :(

We ordered a pool table about two months ago. It was ready last Wednesday and when the other half spoke to them they said it would be delivered today. On Friday the other half realised that today was actually a public holiday and when he got home he asked me if they had called to confirm the delivery, which they had not, but when he had spoken to him early last week they had assured him it would be delivered today.

Well guess what, it’s 10pm, no sight of any pool table, and no phone call either. I can’t even call and abuse them Butch Driveshaft (or Tyra) style tomorrow because nobody at work knows this pool table is coming yet, and I am supposed to be going to work tomorrow.

I feel somewhat ok but more like I have a headcold now which is most irritating to me. I hate colds! Hopefully I will be ok to go tomorrow otherwise I will have to go back to the doctor. My throat still hurts and I keep waking me up in the middle of the night having a coughing fit. :(

At just after 6 am this morning my throat was so sore, I got up and drank a drink that I had frozen the night before and then taken out of the freezer. It was icy and sort of slushy and it numbed my throat beautifully. I have another one in the fridge, I’m going to get to it soon.. :)

health, Home