I have cookies.. :)

We went for a drive to the big shopping centre about 50kms away. It was a nice day out. I took a few little pictures too.


Some months ago we discovered something new when out driving. I’m not sure what it is supposed to be – the other half says it is a u turn bay, but there’s no signs suggesting that. It’s just in the middle of nowhere, too. I personally suspect it may be an Alien Landing Site and if we go there at – as my nephew used to call it – “Dark Time” we might find bright lights and be beamed up into the night sky.


Around here, there seems to be an odd way of going about fixing the roads. When something is wrong, they just seem to lay more asphalt on top of the road in a bizzare hope that this will fix the problem. This means you often find roads that look really nice for a few weeks, then the large trucks driving on them every day, the traffic, and other wear and tear, has an effect which makes it highly dangerous again. I do not think this is what the NRMA has in mind when they say fix our bloody roads.


This is the other end of Werri Beach which has appeared here before. :) There’s another shot of it on my upload for today of the 365 photo blog, which I am now up to date on ;) yay! And it’s even better because we haven’t officially started yet. I’m just kind of in training, getting the modalities in place. ;)

The beaches around here sure look nice, and if I weren’t so terrified of sharks and various other sea creatures, I might be tempted to go for a swim. But I am terrified of sharks and other sea creatures, so I think not, at the moment. I’d like to go snorkelling when it gets hot this year, maybe, on a netted beach a couple of hours south I have heard of.

beaches, driving, photography, photos

Highway Sex Change..

Conversation this morning on Skype with Sephy

Sephy says: i just took a look at that link you sent me
snoskred says: you did?
Sephy says: since when is it the “princess highway”?
snoskred says: rofl ;)
snoskred says: since they gave the prince a sex change? ;)

The link I sent him was to the Rural Fire Service website about a fire that was close enough I could smell the smoke. It said –

The south bound lane of the princess highway has now been reopened.

The Princes Highway runs right down the South Coast of NSW.

They’re busy fighting fires and stuff, a spelling error is forgiven instantly but still funny. We locals all knew what they meant. And apparently non-locals too, seeing as Sephy is in the US. However he is the exception to the rule, he’s an Aussie In Training. I’d sent him the link last night but he wasn’t online at the time. He often logs in to be bombarded with a page of links and associated babble from me. ;) That’s because we’re not online at the same times since daylight saving started.

When I smelt the smoke, I came back here and logged onto the RFS website right away. What a fantastic service that is, that if you smell smoke you can find out why within instants of clicking onto a website. I’m going to add a list of links to the fire service websites around Australia in my sidebar when I get a chance.

I was going to sleep smelling the smoke and thinking of the poor animals caught in the way of the fire. It’s burnt out a fair chunk of bushland. Here’s hoping many of them got out of the way.

Fire has become quite a fear for me since moving here. Back in Adelaide we never really worried about it. This is a major difference between city and country. I find it’s been on my mind since it started warming up here, and I check the RFS website daily.

Because I’m not a local when I look at the current incidents I often don’t know where they are talking about. I have to look them up on maps.

country life, funny

Yay for tomorrow..

Tomorrow’s going to be a good day.. :) I’ll be getting my Rockstar:Supernova cd. The other half has the day off. We might play some pool. I might get some blog commenting done, and maybe some painting.

I need a good day after this weekend from hell. ;) And a good sleep.. I’m just really tired right now.. but I thought I would post these pics of one of my favourite things. It’s a little alarm clock, it has LED lights in it, a different color for each hour and so when you press it if you know the colors well enough you don’t have to know the time.

If you touch it, it lights up, so I can reach out a hand in the dark and find out what the time is. It’s really handy since I need my glasses to see the other alarm clock and I didn’t want to move that closer because then I’d sleep in.. :) Here it is on demo mode so I could take pics of it without having to wait an hour for each color..



This is just 2 of the 12 colors.. :)


Millions of things..

Jihanna has blogged the 10 things today. So has Northern_Girl. All ye Nablopomo people looking for something new to blog, consider yourself tagged. Write 10 things about you on your next blog, and post in the comments here to let me know so I can link back to you. If you don’t comment I won’t know, cos I’m not omnipresent or psychic, though I try to be the first.. hehe ;)

Today I woke up with Midnight Oil’s Short Memory in my head – be warned it gets in there and it won’t get out. I am currently hearing Hotel California – a live version, by the Eagles, which I love.

A strange phenomenon is occuring to us lately. We moved here just over 10 months ago, and lately we’ve been missing stuff we are sure we had packed (my paintbrushes, the sequins) and now we seem to be asking ourselves odd questions about what we did with things we used to own. Yesterday I asked the other half what did we do with the Fridge? He asked me what happened to all our plastic chairs.

I thought my paintbrushes must have got lost, or we left them behind. Yesterday I opened a drawer, and was extremely shocked to see them in there. I cried! Seriously, I was so happy to see them, and now you have confirmation that I am psycho, for who would cry over finding some paintbrushes? But it was just complete happiness at finding something I was sure I had lost. I think maybe U2 wrote a song about that once. After I was done crying, I took a photo of them.. here they are, the once missing paintbrushes..


The two white fan brushes are the ones I really wanted back, they were from ceramics and I got so used to using them I was worried I wouldn’t be able to paint without them. And the mug they are in, I made that at ceramics, it was one of my almost disasters. You get this paint with stuff that explodes in the kiln. I put too much of the stuff that explodes on.. :)

Anna Falactic asked me yesterday about my painting – here’s my latest. It’s going to have gold over the top, when I’m done. It’s for my Mum, this is her favourite color. I can’t decide whether I should use stamps to put on the gold, or just paint huge gold stripes on it. I don’t want to mess it up, this is a huge canvas. I really had a ball painting this though. I’m going to do a second coat soon and then get started on a hot pink and a royal purple version, these are for me.. ;) You can see the pink paint there.


Beaches! Beaches! Beaches! – Yesterday was pretty bad weather here, extremely windy. When we went for a drive the Ocean seemed to be all riled up, so I got a pic for you.


My sister is driving down for a visit over the weekend, but I will make sure to get online once a day and blog something. Yeah I have a couple of things all written and ready to go.. :) rofl!

And now, to comment on some blogs, then paint, then comment, then paint.. ;) that’s the “agenda” for today. Thanks for all your lovely comments guys!

About Snoskred, beaches, Snoskred Art

I got some email..

A scammer I am baiting sent me some photos. I’ve posted them on the scambaiter blog. You can see them here but be warned, he’s in his underwear.

Speaking of half naked, when we went down to Pebbly Beach there was this chick kneeling down on the ground taking photos of the birds landing on her relatives, showing us enough of her crack that I felt like I could see what she had for breakfast. I am serious! It was a very inappropriate amount of crack to be showing. Inches and inches of crack!

My uncle says to me.. Don’t forget to post that letter… and it took me a minute or two to get what he meant, and then I could not stop laughing. And he kept going, he was saying to my parents “Have you got any letters you need posted?”

I am tempted to get a supply of small coins this summer, and anytime I see a crack I should put a coin in it, see if I can do it without the crack-shower noticing.. ;)

I’m a bit busy today so in the meantime here’s a pic of a lady (not the crack shower) being attacked by birds at Pebbly Beach..


family, funny, New South Wales

Violence – almost

In order to tell you about this I have to go back in time. Back to May 2004, when we purchased a brand new car. And she’s gorgeous. Seriously. For the first few months, it was difficult to leave her in a carpark. I was always terrified someone would dent it. If someone just *looked* at my car the wrong way I wanted to rip off their head and shit down their neck. I was always giving people the evil eye.

By the start of 2005, I’d begun to relax about it a bit. The other half reversed it into things twice and we got the bumper bar replaced under insurance. In February of 2005 we drove the car on a big across Australia trip, from Adelaide to Canberra to Batemans Bay to Sydney to Tamworth to Dubbo to Cobar and back home. While in Sydney, we parked the car in a carpark for *15* minutes. When we came back, there was this HUGE dent in the passenger (my) door.

It was a shitty feeling. It still is a shitty feeling, because fixing it would cost a shitload for such a cosmetic thing and we haven’t done it and so every time I get in the car, I am faced with it. If I could find the person who did it, I do not know what I would do, but I know it wouldn’t be anything nice.

So today we went to get a gas bottle for the bbq. We parked the car and when I got out there was a huge flash of lightning so I got straight back in the car. I have a fear of lightning at petrol (gas for the American readers) stations. Yes, crazy I know. I was sitting there waiting and this car pulls up next to us. The chick in the front seat opens her door and bangs it into my car. I look at her, mouth open, look of shock on my face. The driver of the car sees me. The woman sees me. The woman proceeds to bang her door into my car a *second* time. I am horrified! I can’t believe she would do such a thing.

I get out of my car and walk around to look if she made a dent – by pure luck, she had not. She’s got out of the car by now and she says to me “We didn’t hit your car” I said “Yes, you did hit it, with your door, and you did it twice!” She waves a hand at me, sort of like talk to the hand, and walks off. I just stood there, absolutely fuming. If she had made a dent, I would probably have chased her and yelled at her, a lot. I may have even punched her. I’m not a violent person but SHOW SOME RESPECT FOR OTHERS PROPERTY, BIATCH!

I have never actually punched someone in anger. Unless you count pummelling my sister when we were growing up, but that was done with love. ;) So I don’t think it counts. But I seem to be getting more and more angry when I see stuff like this happen. Some people would say it’s just a car, don’t worry about it, it’s not worth it, but damn, I kinda think it is.

The other half saw the whole thing from inside the petrol station and he really thought we were going to get into a fight. I’m surprised though, normally he would have stormed out there and let her have a piece of his mind. I think maybe with couples if one of us is angry the other one tends to be calm.

Angry Snoskred, cars, Who Is Snoskred